Provide National and Regional Capacity-building Programmes.
Why Choose UR ACE-ESD?
Programmes that will create research HUB and training of African engineers
H-Etech Smart Grid and Micro Grid Laboratory, lybraries and smart classes
Provides facts from the retrospective statistical analysis
We create environment where young innovators and entrepreneurs can find support.
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The University of Rwanda’s College of Science and Technology hosted a mini-grid training workshop, with 49 lecturers from 17 universities across Af
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Our Programmes
Master of Science in Electrical Power Systems
The main thematic basis of the programme is to provide students the basic skills needed for planning, designing, oper
Master of Science in Renewable Energy
MSc in Renewable Energy | African Center of Excellence in Energy
Master of Science in Energy Economics
The aim of the programme is to provide students with in-depth understanding
PhD in Energy Economics
This program specification has been produced to conform to the Rwandan National Qualifications Framework for Higher E
PhD in Renewable Energy
This program specification has been produced to conform to the Rwandan National Qualifications Fram
Set Your Creativity Free
Our Community
Division of Energy Systems Research & Department of Chemistry Ajou University
Chief Operations Officer in Rwanda Mines, Petroleum and Gas Board,
Acting Program Director Transitions To New Technologies Senior Research
Alexisis a lecturer of New and renewable energy resources at Rwanda Polytechn
Dr.Marie Chantal CYULINYANA is a lecturer at the University of Rwan
obtained his MSC and PhD inElectrical Engineering from
He taught courses: Advanced Power Electronics, Power Systems,
received his B.Sc, M.Sc and PhD degrees in Electrical and Electronics Engineering fro
My PhD dissertation work focused on the dc microgrid stability an
I have over twelve years of hands-on experience in professional and academic wo
She has keen interest in the exploration of physical and chemical means to control the electronic
Professor Saha is a Professional Engineer with Engineering Council of South Africa with industria
Leading projects to develop innovative products and solutions with a focus on energy and resource
Valerie Thomas is the Anderson Interface Professor of Natural Systems in the School of Industrial
Power Energy Systems; Climate Change Management; Project Engineering and Utility Management; Auto
Dr Colton's research interests are in the areas of design and manufacturing, focusing on polymers
Helene Ahlborg’s research is about rural electrification in East Africa and societal transformati
Microgrids & Smart Grids; Renewable Energy; State estimation in water distribution systems; O
Power distribution system modeling and simulation: 10 years practical experience of power system
Renewable/Sustainable Energy technologies and development; - Energy Conservation, Power syste
Dr Gboney has a PhD in Economics and more than 30 years of professional experience in the energy
Preparation and characterization of nano- or submicron-particles of inorganic materials for light
Daniel Zimmerle is a Senior Research Associate in the Energy Institute at Colorado State Universi
CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics)Simulation and experimental measurement on Gas-Liquid two-phase
Hydraulic and pneumatic engineering
Vibration in Mechanical engineering
Engineering Thermodynamics, Engineering Vibrations, Non-Conventional Energy sources
Physics for Engineers, Mathematical
Methods of Physics, Atomic and
Energy Management, Renewable Energy
Modeling, Power Electronics Applied on Energy,
His focus has been to develop mutual beneficial linkages with industry to develop partnership and
Kirikiri Landuard is ACE-ESD Administrator and he has been in Education since 2008.
Jean Damascene NIYITEGEKA got a Master’s degree in Journalism and Media Studies in 2008 from Moun
Professor with a Chair in Environmental Systems and Risk, Div Environm
Division of Energy Systems Research & Department of Chemistry Ajou University
Chief Operations Officer in Rwanda Mines, Petroleum and Gas Board,
Acting Program Director Transitions To New Technologies Senior Research
Alexisis a lecturer of New and renewable energy resources at Rwanda Polytechn
Dr.Marie Chantal CYULINYANA is a lecturer at the University of Rwan
obtained his MSC and PhD inElectrical Engineering from