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Dr. MUHIRWA Alexis

Alexis has been involved in energy research adecade ago, primarily in relation withthe hydropower generation.His research portfolio includes gas-and water-driven power productionwith afocus onintrinsic hydropower flow instabilitiesthat trigger system vibrations and power swingstogether with their preventive countermeasures.He is currently authorto13peer-reviewed publications.Asidethemain area of research, his lecturingand schoolingexperience has instigated anassiduous research interestthat embracesa wide range of energy disciplinessuch asEnergy and the environment, Thermal energy,Windand solarenergy,Energy insocio-economic development, Energy efficient use and resourcemanagement, among others.

PhD of Power Engineering and Engineering Thermo-physics

Alexisis   a   lecturer   of   New   and   renewable   energy resources   at   Rwanda   Polytechnics.   He pursued   his graduate  endeavors  inEnergyscience  and  Engineeringand    obtained    a    PhD ofPower    Engineering    and Engineering  Thermo-physics.  He began  his  carrier  in curriculum  development  and  expanded  into academics, where he served twohigherlearning institutions and he is currently a fellow of the Organization of AfricanAcademic Doctors (OAAD).