obtained his MSC and PhD inElectrical Engineering fromDresden Technical University, Germany. Hehasmore than 25years of academic and research experience in academic institutions and industry. He is currently an Associate Professor in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computing, ASTU. He is also affiliatedwithAddis Ababa Institute of Technology, AAU. He has beengivinglectures and advisingPostgraduate Students in electrical power in Addis Ababa University,Bahir Dar University,Jimma University, University of Rwanda, Gondar UniversityandDiredawa University. He has served as Dean, Department Head and Academic Program Officerin Bahir Dar Universityand Chairman of Electrical and Computer EngineeringDepartment in Addis Ababa University. Dr.-Ing. Getachew Biru hasworked also in the EthiopianAirlinesAviation Academyas a Dean. His research areas areelectrical power and renewable energyapplicationsand published more than 20papers in peer-reviewed International and national journalsand co-authored two books. He is currently associate editor for the Journal of Ethiopian Journal of Science and Sustainable Development (EJSSD), ASTU;Editorial Board Member for “Journal of Electronics and Advanced Electrical Engineering”,Helics GroupandChairman of International Scientific Advisory Board for the ACE-ESD, at University of Rwanda.
Contact Info
Dr. Ing. Getachew Biru Worku
ISAB Chair and Supervisor
MSC and PhD in Electrical Engineering