Shonali Pachauri is Acting Director of the Transitions to New Technologies (TNT) Program and Senior Research Scholar with the Energy (ENE) Program at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (NASA) in Austria. She has also served as Adjunct Professor at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, where she taught graduate courses during th Fall semester of 2016. Dr. Pachauri's research focuses on the role of technological, institutional and social innovations for inclusive human development, particularly for those people without access to basic infrastructures and services. She coordinates and leads research on analyzing heterogeneities in infrastructural access and use in the developing world, policy pathways for achieving universal access to modern energy services and technologies and assessing the wider impacts of this for sustainable development. She has published extensively on these topics, both in the form of scientific peer-reviewed articles and policy reports. Dr. Pachauri is Lead Author for the IPCC WGIIIAR6 report and was the Coordinating Lead Author of the Global Energy Assessment (GEA). She serves on the science advisory panel of the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC). She is also on the editorial advisory boards for the journal Environmental Research Letters, Current Research in Environmental Sustainability and Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy. She holds a PhD from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich (ETHZ) and an MSc from University College London (UCL).
Acting Program Director Transitions To New Technologies Senior Research Scholar Energy