Home Provide National and Regional Capacity-building Programmes. Why Choose UR ACE-ESD? Our Programmes Programmes that will create research HUB and training of African engineers Our Facilities H-Etech Smart Grid and Micro Grid Laboratory, lybraries and smart classes Facts & Figures Provides facts from the retrospective statistical analysis Grid Innovation and Incubation HUB We create environment where young innovators and entrepreneurs can find support. Latest News Academia, Public and Private Sector Discuss Climate and Energy Policies , 25 Nov 24 UR hosts third Innovation Week, commits to creating more conducive innovation environment , 21 Nov 24 Nine PhDs , Twenty -Nine masters students from Energy Centre graduate , 11 Nov 24 International lecturers complete week-long mini- grid training workshop at University of Rwanda , 12 Sep 24 The University of Rwanda’s College of Science and Technology hosted a mini-grid training workshop, with 49 lecturers from 17 universities across Af ACEs Newletters African Centres of Excellence July|Sept 2023 NewsletterClick here to download the newsletter Tweets by @ace_esd Announcement ►Call for Applications. Short Training Courses on Local Solutions for Energy Access Events 25-February Call for Applications. Short Training Courses on Local Solutions for Energy Access https://aceesd.ur.ac.rw/filebrowser/download/280 Download file: htt Our Programmes All Our Programmes Master Programmes PhD Programmes Short Courses Master of Science in Electrical Power Systems 2 years The main thematic basis of the programme is to provide students the basic skills needed for planning, designing, oper Read more Master of Science in Renewable Energy 2 years (4 semesters) MSc in Renewable Energy | African Center of Excellence in Energy Read more Master of Science in Energy Economics 2 years The aim of the programme is to provide students with in-depth understanding Read more PhD in Energy Economics 4 year This program specification has been produced to conform to the Rwandan National Qualifications Framework for Higher E Read more PhD in Renewable Energy 4 year This program specification has been produced to conform to the Rwandan National Qualifications Fram Read more LoaddingLoaddingLoadding Set Your Creativity Free Our Community ALL Supervisor Administrative Staff Acandemic Staff ISAB PhD Researcher Alumn Email Dr. MUHIRWA Alexis Supervisor Alexisis a lecturer of New and renewable energy resources at Rwanda Polytechn Email Dr Bernard B. MUNYAZIKWIYE Supervisor December 15, 2004 to August 30,2007: La Email Dr Marie Chantal CYULINYANA Supervisor Dr.Marie Chantal CYULINYANA is a lecturer at the University of Rwan Email Dr. Ing. Getachew Biru Worku ISAB Chair and Supervisor obtained his MSC and PhD inElectrical Engineering from Email Mulugeta GebreHiwot GebreMichael Supervisor He taught courses: Advanced Power Electronics, Power Systems, Email DR. PETER MUSAU MOSES Supervisor received his B.Sc, M.Sc and PhD degrees in Electrical and Electronics Engineering fro Email Dr MUSTAFA ALRAYAH HASSAN IBRAHEEM Supervisor My PhD dissertation work focused on the dc microgrid stability an Email Dr Edward KADOZI Supervisor I have over twelve years of hands-on experience in professional and academic wo Email Dr. Diego Sandoval Supervisor Areas of Specialization Energy Science and Technology Email Prof. Mmantsae Moche Diale ISAB member and Supervisor She has keen interest in the exploration of physical and chemical means to control the electronic Email Prof. Akshay Kumar Saha Supervisor Professor Saha is a Professional Engineer with Engineering Council of South Africa with industria Email Dr. Philippe Goffin Supervisor Leading projects to develop innovative products and solutions with a focus on energy and resource Email Prof. Valerie Thomas Supervisor Valerie Thomas is the Anderson Interface Professor of Natural Systems in the School of Industrial Email Dr. Burnet Mkandawire Supervisor Power Energy Systems; Climate Change Management; Project Engineering and Utility Management; Auto Email Prof. Jonathan Colton Supervisor Dr Colton's research interests are in the areas of design and manufacturing, focusing on polymers Email Dr. Helene Ahlborg Supervisor Helene Ahlborg’s research is about rural electrification in East Africa and societal transformati Email Prof. Josiah Munda Supervisor Email Dr. Lawrence Kiprono Letting Supervisor Microgrids & Smart Grids; Renewable Energy; State estimation in water distribution systems; O Email Prof. JAESUNG JUNG Supervisor Power distribution system modeling and simulation: 10 years practical experience of power system Email Dr. Al-Mas Sendegeya Supervisor Renewable/Sustainable Energy technologies and development; - Energy Conservation, Power syste Email Dr. William Gboney Supervisor Dr Gboney has a PhD in Economics and more than 30 years of professional experience in the energy Email Prof. Yanmin Wang Supervisor Preparation and characterization of nano- or submicron-particles of inorganic materials for light Email Mr. Daniel Zimmerle Supervisor Daniel Zimmerle is a Senior Research Associate in the Energy Institute at Colorado State Universi Email Dr. Alexander Lugatona Kyaruzi Supervisor - Economics of electrical power supply systems Email Dr. SUNG-GUK YOON Supervisor Electric Power System Email Dr. Michel Roddy LOLLCHUND Supervisor • Plasma modelling • Simulation of Wind flow patterns. Email Prof. Ijumba Nelson Supervisor • Leadership of academic and research programmes Email Prof. SAFARI Bonfils Physics (Atmospheric Physics) Email Dr. Gace Athanase Dalson Supervisor CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics)Simulation and experimental measurement on Gas-Liquid two-phase Email Assoc. Prof. Charles Kabiri Superviser Charles Kabiri received his B.S. Email Dr. Venant Kayibanda Supervisor Hydraulic and pneumatic engineering Vibration in Mechanical engineering Email Dr. Mazimpaka Ernest Supervisor Engineering Thermodynamics, Engineering Vibrations, Non-Conventional Energy sources Email Dr. Emmanuel Nshingabigwi Supervisor Physics for Engineers, Mathematical Methods of Physics, Atomic and Email Dr. Elias Nyandwi Supervisor Dr. Email Prof. Dr-Ing. Etienne Ntagwirumugara Supervisor Prof. Dr. Eng. Email Prof. Umaru Garba Wali Supervisor Prof. Umaru Garba Wali is interested in Environmental Engineering Email Dr. Bikorimana JMV Supervisor & Depty of sida Sub-Program Energy Management, Renewable Energy Modeling, Power Electronics Applied on Energy, Email Dr. Hakizimana Khan Jean de Dieu Head of PhD Programme and Research His focus has been to develop mutual beneficial linkages with industry to develop partnership and Email Mr. Manzi Armel IT Officer Msc In Information Technology Email Mr. Kirikiri Landuard Centre Administrator Kirikiri Landuard is ACE-ESD Administrator and he has been in Education since 2008. Email Mr. Niyitegeka Jean Damascène Communication & Marketing Specialist Jean Damascene NIYITEGEKA got a Master’s degree in Journalism and Media Studies in 2008 from Moun Email Prof. Joe Dong ISAB member Professor Z Y (Joe) Dong is a Professor in the School of Electrical En Email Prof. Sverker Molander ISAB member Professor with a Chair in Environmental Systems and Risk, Div Environm Email Prof. Hye-Young Jang ISAB member Division of Energy Systems Research & Department of Chemistry Ajou University Email Mr. Donath HARERIMANA ISAB member Chief Operations Officer in Rwanda Mines, Petroleum and Gas Board, Email Dr. Ivan TWAGIRASHEMA ISAB member Chief Operations Officer in Rwanda Mines, Pet Email Dr. Shonali Pachauri ISAB member Acting Program Director Transitions To New Technologies Senior Research LoaddingLoaddingLoaddingLoaddingLoaddingLoadding
25-February Call for Applications. Short Training Courses on Local Solutions for Energy Access https://aceesd.ur.ac.rw/filebrowser/download/280 Download file: htt