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A PUBLIC LECTURE head at ACE-ESD on low-Carbon Transition by Prof Sangwon Suh

on this 21st February 2019, Prof Sangwon Suh visited the UR-ACEESD and he has conducted a public lecture on "Low-Carbon Transition: implications on the environment and the society".

the key message of that day was:

  • Climate change is real and requires urgent effort for mitigation by all corners of the world.
  • But the story of climate change mitigation is predominantly the story of the poor.
  • The global poor are structurally excluded from the access to low-carbon technologies hampering low-carbon transition.
  • We need innovative solutions to enable them access to low-carbon technologies
Prof Etienne Opened the Public lecture by introducing the Prof Sangwon Suh to the Participant
Participant were PhD and Masters students at the center and some UR-ACEESD staff